Maximizing success through collaboration: Proposals, Business Development, and Capture

The panel from Cherokee Federal, Chickasaw Nation Industries, and Pragmatics discussed how to maximize success through collaboration in proposals, business development, and capture.

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In this webinar we discussed



The challenges and opportunities of collaboration in the proposal process.


Best Practices

The best practices they have used to increase win rates and improve performance.



How to successfully implement collaboration in your organization.

“If you don’t understand why you’re pursuing a bid, human nature won’t let you put in the best effort. When that total picture comes into clarity, it gives me a sense of ownership of the opportunity and process that helps me push forward and do my best work.”

Our Speaker(s)

Marcia Watson,
Sr. Director of Proposal Operations,
Cherokee Federal
Fred Vleck,
Director, Business Development Operations
Steve Skeldon

Steve Skeldon,
Capture Director,
Chickasaw Nation Industries

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“Great set of panelists that were put together. Each brought their expertise to the table and left great tidbits for follow-up.”


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