VisibleThread Product Update 2022

Watch this VisibleThread Product Update from our CTO, Jason O’Connell.

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In this webinar we discussed


VT Updates

What goes into a VisibleThread release.


Recent releases

An overview of recent VT updates.


Upcoming releases

An insight into what’s coming.


The team

A discussion on scaling the team and processes.

“There’s more than new features, there’s data improvements, UI/UX improvements, user interface – making things look nicer…making the software easier for people to access.”

Our Speaker(s)

Headshot of Jason O’Connell

Jason O’Connell
VisibleThread Co-Founder & CTO

“VisibleThread is rocking our world. It has dramatically helped improve the quality and readability of our documents. Saves editing time and helps to flag problem areas quickly”

Patricia A Fieldson
Manager / Capture Advancement Team

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