Quality Matters: How health insurers can reduce costs and improve the member experience

Health insurers can improve member experience and create more value by prioritizing clear communications at every stage of the user journey.

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In this webinar we discussed


Difficult-to-read communications

What do difficult-to-read communications cost health insurers and members?


Plain language

What should be the goals of a plain language rewrite?


VT Writer

What does VT Writer show about the difficulty of a member letter?


Plain language focus

Why must plain language focus on the message as well as word craft and sentence repair?

If you want to improve your member experience, this is the webinar for you.

Our Speaker(s)

Leslie O’Flahavan
Professional Writing Trainer and Coach
Owner of EWRITE

Fergal McGovern
CEO, VisibleThread

Our mission is to make business communications clearer & more transparent, leading to better business outcomes.


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