Narrative Alchemy: Elevate Your Proposal Writing with the Magic of Storytelling

In this transformative session, Rachel Charlton of Sticky Communications divulged the art of incorporating storytelling into your proposals.

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In this webinar we discussed


Step into the world of captivating proposal writing

Rachel Charlton, a seasoned expert with a decade of cross-functional expertise in the AEC industry brings the art of incorporating storytelling into your proposals.


Uncover the secrets!

She uncovered the secrets behind renowned storytelling methods and covered how to transform your proposals from mundane “to whom it may concern” to enchanting “once upon a time” tales that leave a lasting impact.


Create irresistible narratives

Rachel will teach you to craft irresistible narratives that forge meaningful connections with your clients.

Incorporating story in your proposal writing bridges the gap between technical jargon and human connection to increase your win rates.

Our Speaker(s)

Rachel Charlton
Sticky Communications

About VisibleThread

Our mission is to make business communications clearer & more transparent, leading to better business outcomes.

“This is a unique opportunity to learn from a leading industry player in an eye-opening talk as he uncovered the critical pitfalls that plagued business writing”


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